Educating youth about condom use, which remains the simplest and most reliable way of protection from HIV and unwanted pregnancies.

Display box of condoms with attractive packagings.
Display box of condoms with attractive packagings.


The Ivory Foundation supported in 2013 a project to prevent HIV / AIDS in Zimbabwe. This project, run in collaboration with the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC) and the National Aids Council (NAC), was designed to educate young people about condom use, which remains the simplest way of protection and the most reliable to prevent HIV and unwanted pregnancies.

As part of this project, the participation of Zimbabwean artists was requested to illustrate the packaging of the distributed condoms. These artists were selected following a competition organized with the collaboration of the “Delta Gallery,” one of the references of contemporary art in Harare.

Participants proposed a project of artistic creation sketch, presented to a jury in charge of selecting 10 works according to artistic criteria and suitability to convey prevention messages. The selected artists then received a scholarship to complete the final work.

In collaboration with the “Alliance Française” of Harare, the works of the selected artists were exhibited at the “Delta Gallery” in 2014, prior their printing on condom packaging to be distributed by the ZNFPC in the universities.


Works made for the project by: Franklyn Dzingai, Clive Mukucha and Victor Nyakauru
Works made for the project by: Franklyn Dzingai, Clive Mukucha and Victor Nyakauru