Call for projects 2020:
Deadline for receipt of applications: Friday, December 18, 2020

The Ivory Foundation is launching a call for projects in the fall of 2020 for French non-profit organizations working in France or abroad. Each selected association will receive financial support of up to € 5,000 for general interest initiatives in one of the following areas:

1 / Agriculture and environment

► More specifically, projects in favor of food self-sufficiency for the most vulnerable populations, projects promoting sustainable and organic farming as well as projects in favor of the conservation of biodiversity and endangered species, notably elephants.

2 / Health and Nutrition

► More specifically, projects promoting access to healthcare and a healthy and balanced diet, especially for people who are sick or in a vulnerable situation.

3 / Education and training

► More specifically, projects promoting access to education for the most disadvantaged children, or projects linked to learning and training in sustainable farming techniques.

-The call for projects is open to any French non-profit organization, with its head office in France.
-Projects can take place in FrancClick on the icons below to view the winning projects of the calls for projects:e or abroad.
-Only one file can be submitted per organization per year.
-To be taken into account, the file must be complete.
-The following are not eligible: projects carried out by foreign organizations, individuals or for-profit organizations.

To submit a request, complete the form here :